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Road to Prosperity
Site last updated on:  12-12-2020 | You are visitor: 7885761
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Staff Profile

  Designation Name
 Managing Director Shri. Jafar Malik IAS
 Additional General Manager I Shri. Alex T. J.
 Additional General Manager II Smt. Lissy K.F
 Chief Financial Officer Shri. Sibi J Pulloppillil
 Company Secretary Shri.Sreenath Sasidhardan
 Deputy General Manager I Shri. Abdul Salam A. A.
 Deputy Collector Shri. P. Rajan
 Deputy Collector Shri. K.K. Anil Kumar
 Administrative Officer (i/C) Shri. Prasanthkumar M.S
 Divisional Accountant Smt. M. Lalitha
 State Public Information Officer under RI Act 2005 Shri. Sudheesh G
 Appelette Authority under RI Act 2005 Shri. Sreenath Sasidhardan
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