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Road to Prosperity
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Completed Projects Projects Under Construction Citizen Services Careers Right to Service

Prevoius Weekly Reports

   weekly progress 22.7.2011


Progress Report For Pulianam  ROB for the week ending on 22.7.2011 
Sl No   Activity Description   Total Quantity  Cumulative progress upto last week   Balance  work up to last week  Cumulative delay in Qty up to last week  Work  planned  during the week   Actual work done during the week   Cumulative delay in Qty up to this week  Work  Planned for next week  
1 Pile towards NH side 26 24 2        nil 1 1 0 2
2 Pile towards Puliyanam side 18 4 14 1 2 1 1


Date 16.07.2011 18.07.2011 19.07.2011 20.07.2011 21.07.2011 22.04.2011
Climate pleasant heavy rain heavy rain pleasant moody moody
No.of labours 40 38 39 43 43 43 


availability of material    
materials Required Available
Fine aggregate(M3) 7 13
Coarse aggregate(M3) 24 30
Cement(BAG) 200 380
Steel(TONN) 5 25 



PILE LOAD TEST (21-07-11).









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