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Road to Prosperity
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Completed Projects Projects Under Construction Citizen Services Careers Right to Service

Prevoius Weekly Reports

   Weekly progress as on 15.4.2011


SlNo Activities Date  Remarks
1 Joint Inspection with AE,KWA,Angamali 17.3.2011 Estimate received and action taken for remitting the amount
2 Joint Inspection with DE, BSNL,Angamali 17.3.2011 Estimate is to be received
3 Joint Inspection with Sub Engineer, KSEB,Karukutti 23.3.2011 Estimate is to be received
4 Joint Inspection with AE,Project division,KWA,Aluva 1.4.2011   Estimate received and action taken for remitting the amount  
Joint Inspection with AE,KSEB,Angamali  8.4.2011    Estimate is to be   received 
  1. Temporary Electrical connection at office completed.
  2. PCC for drain 53m completed.
  3. Cutting, bending and placing of reinforcement for Base slab and side wall of drain in progress.
  4. Excavation was delayed due to hard laterite soil strata.  

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