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Road to Prosperity
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Completed Projects Projects Under Construction Citizen Services Careers Right to Service

Prevoius Weekly Reports

   Progress as on 21.11.2014



Work progress up to 21st of November
Sl. No.  Item Description  Unit  Total  Up to date  
Quantity  Quantity  
1 Clearing and grubbing road land HA 3.9 2.88
2 Excavation for roadway   Cum 1320 1011
3 Earthwork excavation at embankment foundation   Cum 30210 18905
4 Loosening, leveling and Compacting   Cum 1240 2392
5 Construction of sub-grade and earthen shoulders Cum 5290 1661
6 GSB (Grade I) Cum 8050 5148
7  Wet Mix Macadam (WMM) Cum 6900 3828
8 Primer coat (0.75KG/Sqm) Sqm 24370 13615
9 Tack coat Sqm 50230 46195
10 BM Cum 500 887
11 DBM Cum 5790 2771
12 BC Cum 1260 0
13 Kerb stone Rm 8800 2183
14 Construction of embankment (road way cutting material) Cum 3890 3317
15 PCC M15 for sub-structure - for culverts , drain, utility duct etc   Cum 1050 518
16 PCC M25 for  sub-structure/super structure etc for culverts , drain, utility duct Cum 5070 2215
17  HYSD bar reinforecemnt in sub -structure   MT 510 181
18 M20 grade concrete guard posts 200 x 200 mm x1.25 m Nos 550 83
19 Tree planting Nos 350 100

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